Improving the Customer Journey with User Generated Content

With the increase of digital touchpoints, improving the user journey has become much more complex over the years. With the enhanced number of ways to search, shop, and pay, there are multiple opportunities to improve a customer touchpoint. So, what are unique ways that you can improve the customer journey for your business?

User generated content is one of the more effective ways recently introduced with the growing popularity of social media. User generated content is content such as videos, images, text, audio, etc. which is created and posted by users online. This user generated content can be posted onto any online platform such as blogs, photo sharing sites, and social media platforms.

When allowing user generated content into your customer journey, ensure that it meets your businesses values. Posting content from non-company representatives can help but also hurt your brand. As you find content that you would like to reshare, be mindful that it is sympathetic and/or empathetic to cultures and causes that may be impacted.

To identify quality UGC to be featured mainly requires a watchful eye. Pay close attention to social media hashtags that are being used outside of your brand to identify if there is a way to leverage for your brand. Use social listening to identify trends which compliment your brand.

Think of the insurgence of Tik Tok over the past year. Dance challenges have graced our screens with a unique variety of ways to engage people. Now, you do not have to create the next social media challenge, but you can connect with your customers on the platforms they frequent in an appealing yet fun way. Use action oriented short form videos or imagery to increase engagement across platforms.

Lastly, find unique ways to reward consumers for their participation. Consumers want to feel a part of something, especially if they view your brand as truly being a part of their lifestyle. Create a contest with prizes or branded memorabilia, etc. for consumer’s participation, creativity, or re-sharing. Offer insight in how they can best align their content with your brand values to increase the amount of re-usable content. Suggest they share it with their friends and followers to create even greater recognition for your brand.

There are truly so many great opportunities to increase your brand awareness and overall engagement with user generated content. Finding what uniquely works best for your brand is the first step and then let your followers show their creativity and love for your business.