How to Measure Customer Experience

Have you ever tried on someone else’s prescription glasses? You know that one friend with eyesight totally different than yours and for fun you put on their glasses to see the world through their eyes. As you put them on, your vision becomes blurry because your eyesight is not the same as theirs. Eventually, your eyes begin to adjust and you can see more clearly than when you first put them on. This is the perfect analogy for looking at your business through your customer’s experience rather than your own perspective as the business owner.


As a business owner, you are so knee deep in the weeds of your operations, that sometimes it is difficult to come out of your entrepreneurial cave to see your business with fresh eyes. However, having the ability to understand your brand from other perspectives is extremely important in maintaining a positive and fresh user experience.


So how do you measure the customer experience and gain that fresh perspective? Here’s 4 simple ways to not only measure, but also track your customer experience.

Four Ways to Measure Customer Experience

  1. Ask your current customers to complete a customer satisfaction survey.

  2. Know your churn! Understand why people are leaving your website, not purchasing anymore, how often and how quickly do you lose your customers?

  3. Listen to your customers. Hear what features or products they want to purchase from you. Do you already offer these?

  4. Evaluate your customer support effectiveness and trends.

Measuring the customer experience is one of the most important metrics for a brand. A great customer experience is linked to improved brand loyalty, higher retention rates, and increases the possibility of creating customers who positively spread the word about your brand.


What have you tried in measuring your customer experience? Let us know on our Instagram page @creativelicense_consulting.