Are You on the Right Social Media Platforms?

How well do you know the users on the social media platforms you use? Do they match with your target market? In our talks with clients, many assume that jumping onto the latest or most popular platform will yield them one million users and sales in a few months. Definitely, not the case.

With social media, because there’s so much to look at, follow, subscribe, click, etc. as a business owner, you have to be strategic. Use social media as a tool to meet your users where they are. In past posts, we’ve shared how to connect with users in ways that they want to be addressed. We’ve also shared articles on how to get to know your followers better. Now, we want to make sure you have the tools handy to know who the users are on these platforms.

This will be extremely helpful as you consider how to increase your user base as well as engagement across whichever platform you are currently on. This will also be helpful to identify which platforms you may want to consider adding into your current social media strategy. See the table below for a demographic breakdown by platform.

% of U.S. adults in each demographic group who say they ever use …

Pew Research, April 2021

Pew Research, April 2021