State of Media: Twitter for Brand Advertisers

Twitter has been in the spotlight for some time now due to the controversies of the political scene of the past few years. However, they have been working diligently to continuously improve the app for all users, consumers and business alike. Their latest update comes as a positive change for brands who reach and engage with customers within the app.

The conversation settings on Twitter have recently been extended to brand advertisers. This change means that brands will now have the opportunity to select who responds to their tweets. These settings were rolled out to all app users globally August 2020, but were just recently broadened to include advertisers on Tuesday, March 6th.

Additionally, Twitter recently received a positive compliance rating from the Trustworthy Accountability Group (TAG), meaning that they passed a recent audit. Twitter has been releasing multiple changes throughout 2020 to help improve the overall health of the platform, making it a safer platform for public communication. This is good news for not only Twitter but all businesses who engage with users on the app.

The extension of the conversation settings gives advertisers more control of who interacts with their brand and leaves comments, overall making conversations on Twitter more brand safe. Marketers should be excited about this feature seemingly because it not only gives more oversight but will allow them to control the brand conversation.

Have you used this new feature to improve your business presence on Twitter? If not, consider doing so by altering your messaging to truly reach your target market and see how they choose to engage with you. Remove detractors who choose to spam or slam your business for their own interest and benefit while inviting prospects and brand ambassadors to ask questions, respond, and retweet your branded posts. Happy Tweeting!