Best Marketing Channels by Customer Journey Stage - Brand Building

We love a good series at Creative License, mainly because there is so much information out there, that we like to break it down to help it make sense. Our latest series is about breaking down the customer journey in a unique way to share more information about what marketing channels help move the needle the most for each stage of the customer journey.

Below is a breakdown of each of the stages of the customer journey that we will be sharing in this series:

  1. Brand Building

  2. Lead Generation

  3. Customer Acquisition

  4. Upselling

  5. Customer Retention

  6. Customer Advocacy

First things first, Brand Building. Brand building is the initial stage of the customer journey, which is also referred to as awareness. This is the stage where consumers first learn of your brand, your values, mission, product features or service offerings. Within this phase, you want to connect with customers just like they are a new friend you just met for the first time. The overall goal of the brand building stage is to develop both brand awareness and recognition. You want customers to hear your brand name and instantly know who you are.

In order to successfully build great brand awareness, there are five channels that can help your business drive the greatest connection to your prospective customers.

  • Websites

  • Influencers

  • Social media and advertising

  • Email

  • Consumer communities

Each of these channels provide unique opportunities for you to share the story of your brand and drive a positive connection to your customers. Again, brand building is all about meeting a new friend for the first time. As you think through how you connect with your customers, make sure that you are introducing yourself with all the information they need to know to want to come back and make you a part of their daily lives.

Stay tuned for the second part of this series, Lead Generation.